Annual Convention

Each year the Italian Catholic Federation holds an annual convention. During this revitalizing and inspirational weekend, delegates participate in a variety of workshops, elect Central Council members, vote on by-law changes, join in recognizing national award recipients, and network with other ICF members at social gatherings.

2024 ICF Convention: Burlingame, California

Burlingame, California

Date: Friday, August 30 to Sunday, September 1
Site: San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront, Burlingame, CA

General Information

Convention Registration

Event Information & Registration

Convention Reports


Past Conventions

The Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) is a family-oriented, non-profit fraternal organization dedicated to promoting activities that build faith and family spirit and bring men, women and children of all ages together. By joining a local branch, ICF members share their culture, heritage and religious beliefs. We believe that together we accomplish more than one can alone. We are active in various cultural events throughout the country, support our local parishes, and provide various charities with financial and other support.